Some people say that everything is made in China. And while it’s not true, of course, you can see where this joke is coming from. China is one of the most industrially and technologically advanced countries in the world, and they certainly have the necessary facilities to make pretty much anything they need. Meanwhile, we keep using their trends and pretending we invented them.

Here are nine amazing trends that originated in China.

1. Social Credit System

The social credit system evaluates individual citizens or organizations using various parameters, the values of which are obtained using mass surveillance tools and big data analysis technology. In other words, for doing socially useful actions, people receive points. The better your rank, the more benefits you can get in different areas. Respectively, people with low ratings would be penalized.

2. Artificial Intelligence

Maybe China didn’t invent AI, per se, but they sure know how to use it. With the help of artificial intelligence, they disclose criminals, monitor the traffic, and even track school attendance. Their face recognition technology allows you to try on clothes and predict the result of plastic surgery.

3. 5G Network

When the Chinese government wants something done, neither the pandemic nor geopolitical issues will prevent the country from turning a plan into reality. That’s pretty much exactly what happened with their 5G implementation plan for 2020. Last summer, Beijing and Shenzhen were already fully covered by 5G.

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