The Sopranos is an iconic American crime drama series created by David Chase. The initial story revolves around Tony Soprano, a mafia boss from northern New Jersey, who tries to balance the demands of a criminal organization and his personal life. But you know that already.

Let’s revisit this legendary series and find out what the actors are doing today!

1. James Gandolfini — Tony Soprano

Big Tony is the main character of the series and the boss of the DiMeo Italian-American mafia family. He is a wonderful husband and a caring father, but at the same time, he’s a ruthless killer who cheats on his wife and tries to strangle his own mother with a pillow. James Gandolfini received three Emmy and Golden Globe awards for this role. Sadly, James’s life was cut short on June 19, 2013, while on vacation in Rome. After the actor’s death, there were two more films with his participation: Enough Said, The Drop.

2. Edie Falco — Carmela Soprano

Carmela Soprano was the loving wife of Tony Soprano and the caring mother of Tony Jr. and Meadow. Edie Falco is the only actress to win an Emmy for Best Actress in a Drama Series and Best Actress in a Comedy Series. Since 2009, she has appeared in the medical comedy series — Nurse Jackie.

3. Jamie-Lynn Sigler — Meadow Soprano

Next is the adorable daughter of Tony Soprano, who has always been on good terms with her father. She is beautiful, responsible, and is not afraid of getting her hands dirty. The role of Meadow gave Jamie-Lynn Sigler quite a career boost. In 2004, the girl played in The Rise and Fall of Heidi Fleiss and later in How I Met Your Mother. In 2016, Sigler admitted to suffering from multiple sclerosis.

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