Freaks and Geeks was a television series about outcast teenagers in high school. The eighteen episodes aired from 1999 to 2000 before the show was canceled, but even today, it’s considered one of the most iconic pieces of television, and many of the series’ actors have become big Hollywood names.

It’s been 22 years since the series ended, and now is the time to see how the cast of Freaks and Geeks has changed in these two decades.

1. Linda Cardellini as Lindsey Weir

You probably know Linda from the Avengers and the Hawkeye series, where she played Laura Barton. Aside from the Marvel fame, she starred in Mad Men, Bloodline, and a whole lot of voice roles for animated shows.

2. John Francis Daley as Sam Weir

Daley’s career after Freaks and Geeks wasn’t as stellar as some of the other actors on this list, but he was in Bones for seven seasons, and he did great!

3. Samm Levine played Neil Schweiber

F&G was Samm’s first big role, and after it ended, the actor started getting dozens of mid-tier offers every year. Sadly, there’s not much to talk about when it comes to Samm’s filmography, but having 122 acting credits on IMDb is nothing to scoff at.

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